Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Orphanage (El Orphanato)

Stars Ty Gives 1/2 *

Title: The Orphanage (El Orphanato)
Directed by Juan Antonio Bayona
You probably don't know any of these people.
I didn't since this is a Spanish film so I'm not
going to list them.
Released December 28th 2007

This movie totally vacuumed, meaning it sucked. I didn't mind being freaked out by The Village, which had me on the edge of my seat and then having the ending knock me back on my butt, but this movie is not the Village. Even mentioning M. Night. Shyamalan's The Village is kind of an insult here. (M. Night Shyamalan, director of The Sixth Sense. Unbreakable, Signs, The Village, Lady in the water, and The Happening.) The only reason why my fellow movie reviewer Tiffany and I rented this movie was because we thought Guillermo del Toro directed it. (Guillermo del Toro, director of Blade 2, Hellboy, and Pan's Labrynth.) He produced it. I guess we failed because we fell into the trap of when good directors produce films and the public mistakes the movie as being directed by them because, I don't know, their name is on it. Tarantino is notorious for this. (Quentin Tarantino, director of Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Deathproof, and Inglorious Basterds.) J.J. Abrams also produced Clovefield instead of directing it. (J.J. Abrams, the creator of Alias, Lost, and Fringe, and directed M:I 3 and Star Trek.) So since most of this review I've wasted on talking about other peoples work, is there anything good about this movie? This movie is genuinely creepy, but makes no sense whatsoever and has an ending that'll make you rethink some parents and how stupid they can be. Ironic for a movie called The Orphanage.

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