Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ty gives ***1/2 stars

Title: Interview
Directed by Steve Buscemi
Steve Buscemi
Sienna Miller
Release date July 13th 2007 (limited)
Remake of the 2003 Dutch film, Interview

This was a very intriguing film. Basically, Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink in Reservoir Dogs, Rockhound in Armageddon) plays Pierre Peders, an @ss hole writer who would rather be anywhere then interviewing Katya, the famous blonde soap opera actress in front of him played by Sienna Miller (Tammy in Layer Cake, Anna, AKA The Baroness in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra). In the original film, it was a reporter interviewing an actress named Katja played by Katja Schuurman, a Dutch soap opera star who I'm guessing was playing herself. In this film, I think it would've been cooler if Sienna Miller had played herself opposed to a soap opera star, but that would make the film more complicated. Anyways, the films plot is basically about a reporter who unprofessionally judges the subject that he has been assigned to interview and is unimpressed by the first impression he's made of her in his own mind before he's even met her. Pretty much he fails as a professional reporter and as a person. Once he gets past his own bias and actually looks and takes an interest in his subject, he starts to see her in a different perspective. Though she looks vapid, selfish, vain, and spoiled, she's a lot smarter, faster, more intelligent and a better actress than he ever realized. This is another film that explores what happens when two people who are alone together at night and ask each other the brutally honest questions that nobody asks. I believe this is what intimacy is all about. Exploring each others lives and getting to know someone deeply by sharing and opening yourself up to them, without wanting or expecting anything in return. I'm going to stop writing now because this film has a great ending that I loved and if you're wondering whether or not you should rent this movie, I say sure. Go ahead. Pay your 2 and a half bucks for it. It won't waste your time and maybe you'll learn that when you open up to a complete stranger you have no interest in and they decide to take a risk and open up to you, that relationship might change your life in ways you never expected and you'll learn something about that person that you never could've guessed, and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn from them something about yourself that you never knew and failed to realize is there in your own life. This film is about what happens when you take that risk, and it represents perfectly when life imitates art or how at least it should.

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