Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ty gives ***** stars (That's the most he's ever given a movie so far)

Title: Zombieland
Directed by: Reuben Fleischer
Woody Harrelson
Jesse Eisenberg
Emma Stone
Abigail Breslin
Release date October 2nd 2009

Wow. This is the greatest film I've ever seen. It's marked as my favorite film made in this century. Does that mean anything to you? Only if you like zombie films. Will you be turned on to zombie films after watching this one even if you don't like zombie films? Maybe. This movie is freakin hillarious. Warning: If you do not like gore, foul language, and violence, do not watch this film. I cannot believe I have to write that warning because, well, IT'S A FREAKIN ZOMBIE FILM! Of course it's going to to have gore, foul language, and violence. For those who didn't realize that?! FAIL! Yes it is rated R. Most zombie films are rated R. That's the way it goes. People die in zombie films. It wouldn't be scary unless someone was eaten. So what is the plot of this movie? There isn't one. How are the special effects? Their aren't any. That is what makes this movie so great. What you see is what you get. What you pay is what you get, except this time if you paid to see the best and most perfect zombie film ever made, you're getting more than you moneys worth. A lot more. Buy your popcorn and candy and enjoy. Ty approves.

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